Thursday, November 26, 2009

LCOEB Seminar - Get Wealthy - How to Take Control of Your Financial Future Now

“Money may not be the most important thing in the world, but it’s right on up there with oxygen”.

Robert Allen

In this seminar you’ll learn …….

· The difference between money, financial security and wealth.

· How to face up to your financial reality and calculate you net worth.

· The difference between “Good Debt” and “Bad Debt”.

· The value of a strong financial accountant and what to look for in them.

· The value of a strong management accountant and what to look for in them.

· To calculate your “Financial Thermostat” and what implications this has.

· How to generate multiple streams of income.

· “That you may be winning, but feel like you’re losing if you don’t keep the score”.

“Practical, inspiring, great content and gets you to take action”.

David Tarpey

Tarpey Agricultural

The session will be facilitated by Padraic Ó Máille and will involve a frank discussion around the above issues. Padraic is a skilled facilitator and challenges groups to look at issues in innovative and creative ways in order to create personal breakthroughs.

Invest a little of your time to increase your chances of increased wealth and prosperity.

Get to The Woodlands Hotel this Monday, November 30th 2009, at 7pm. Free event. Registration essential. Please register with omaillegroup@eircom,net

Remember that the best day to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The next best day is today. Begin your journey to wealth by deciding to attend Monday’s session now.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Women in Business - Stepping Out

Kilmallock's Deebert Hotel was the Venue This evening for an Event sponsored by Limerick County Enterprise Board and Ballyhoura development.

"Stepping Out" was an evening for Women involved in business and was an opportunity for networking and to hear an excellent talk from Paula Clarke called "It's All About You!". Paula is a regular Trainer and Mentor with us here in Limerick County Enterprise Board and her insights and ideas on the importance of positive mental attitude to running your business are inspirational.

Several local business were also present to showcase some of their products including Morningstar photography who were showing some of the fantastic family portrait and Wedding photography packages they offer.

MoJo beauty Salon from Broad Street in Charleville had an extensive range of makeup products available,

Old Irish Creamery were also on hand with a selection of Cheeses and Ballyhoura Apple Farm had their juices and cider vinegar available also.

Outdoor Kidz also had their very appropriate for the season, kids rain wear range on show. Other Businesses also had information available on the services they had to offer.

A very lively, evening was enjoyed by all, and new relationships were made!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November Newsletter now Out!

Our November Newsletter is now out and has details and photos from Regional Business Week and also details on our upcoming training.

If you have subscribed to the newsletter it should be in your mailbox very soon or you can download it now from [ Here ].

Remember to check out our Blog and the Website for information on all upcoming courses and let us know if there is any area of particular interest to you and your Business.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Here are the Dates and Venues for November Traininig with LCOEB


Management Accounts for Owner Managers -
3 evening sessions plus one half day mentoring.
Trainer: Michael Byrnes,
Where: Deebert House hotel,

Start up Bootcamp,
Trainer:Elaine Carroll,
Where: Castletroy Park hotel,
When:2 day intensive course Saturday 7 and 14th November Time:9:30am -5:00pm

“You Cant Do Business Sitting On Your Ass Network”
Trainer: Padraic O’Maille,
Where: Woodlands House Hotel,
When: Monday 9th Time:7:00-9:30pm

Online Marketing for Small Business
Trainer:SQT Training,
Where: Office Ireland,Castletroy,
When: Tuesday November 10th, Time:10:00 -4:00

Quickbooks for Beginners
Trainer: Michael Byrnes,
Where: Woodlands house Hotel, Adare,
When: Monday 9th November & 10th November plus two half day mentoring sessions

Match your Personal Goals To Your Business Goals: Choosing the Right Business Idea
Trainer: John Garrett,
Where:Limerick County Enterprise Board,
When: Wednesday 18th Time:10-4:00

Women In Business Network: Using Ebay for Your Business
Trainer: Encore Business Solutions,
Where: Greenhills Hotel, Limerick,
When: Tuesday 24th November Time:6:00pm-8:30pm

Start Your Own Business: The Essentials

Trainer: PAS Accountants,
When: 4 evening sessions 7:00-9:30pm starts 23rd, 30th November, 7th, 14th December , Where: Kilmurry Lodge hotel, Co.Limerick, Time:7:00-9:30pm

Monday, November 2, 2009

Upcoming Training Courses from LCOEB

We have a lot of training coming up to answer the demand from our Clients for Accounts and Finance, we are finalising our newsletter to go out shortly and we will feature some of the information online here on our blog to supplement it.

Management Accounts

Many businesses make money on some activates, lose on others. Many businesses are unaware of where in their business this happens.

Do you have quality timely information needed to monitor performance and ascertain what each activity is contributing to your bottom line?
Management accounts are invaluable in helping you to make management decisions about your business – as a matter of fact, it is difficult to run a business effectively without them. Yet most businesses do not produce management accounts.

Management accounts analyse recent historical performance. They can also include forward-looking essentials such as sales and profit forecasts. This analysis is usually done against forecasts and budgets that have been prepared at the start of the year.
The information in management accounts should be broken out so that the performance of different elements of the business can be measured.
For businesses selling many products, it is advisable to provide a breakdown for each product category. This will allow you to ensure that profitable products are not subsidising those that are selling poorly.